Wednesday, March 10, 2010


That is not a happy sigh, not at all. I have two things directly on my mind, but maybe by the end of this there will be more. Who knows? Let's get to it.

Today, at 4, Mi Voluptas and I had to make ribbons for civil rights team ~we sell them on hat days~ but that gave us two hours of free time to kill. So we walked over to the Boys and Girls Club ~we both volunteered there over the summer and decided to visit our awesome boss~ While we were there, Voluptas let slip that I hadn't been eating right. We will call the boss Nezzy. Nezzy got really concerned, and she asked me why I had been "starving myself" ~which I denied even though it is basically true~ I told Nezzy that I have been running a lot and not eating enough, and before I could leave she made me at a burger, and it was one big ass burger! So I had a burger then went over to the school for ribbon making, where we had candy, because this particular teacher always has candy. She is just like that. Anyway, the meeting ended and I got home at 6. Because I had pigged out on a burger and candy, I had every intention of running for a few dozen miles when my step mom ~I forget waht her nickname was......~ informed that I was "becoming feral" and so I cannot run tonight. Tonight I am to stay in with her. And then she told me dinner would be at 7 ~which is funny cause it is 7:46 and we haven't had dinner yet~ and I told her I wasn't hungry, because I had that burger and candy and whatnot. She gave me this really intense look ~which she is madly good at~ and told me that I am not skipping another meal. So in one conversation, she took away my exercise, and forced me to stuff my face. Yet I am not mad at her.....

I texted my dad during ribbon making and we talked about Step Madre and how she is so restricting and mean towards my friends yet so accepting towards Red's. I don't think a solution was reached.

Another thing on my mind is that Voluptas is fighting with her "best friend" ~idk if she has a nickname. Let's call her Autumn~ Autumn is mad at Voluptas because she ~Voluptas~ is ignoring her ~Autumn~ for me and spending more time with me then she spends with her. Until recently, Voluptas and Autumn were basically inseparable, and I was lucky if I got any time with her. That was partly because of how much time they spent together, and partly because of Voluptas' mother, who doesn't/didn't like me. But her mom very suddenly started easing up, and so I spent a few hours at her house this past saturday, and she came over for a while on monday, and while be over for awhile tomorrow. But Voluptas' mother noticed that her and Autumn were having some issues, so she called Autumn, who gave her a sob story, and is basically forcing Voluptas to work things out. It angers me so much that she is interfering like that, but I can't really do anything about it. Oh well.

I'm REALLY tired.....

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