Monday, March 29, 2010

Pink Strikes

Remember in my last post, I mentioned a friend named Pink, who makes me feel unwelcome when I am with her and Voluptas at the same time? Well, I had a right to be worried about this weekend. From 10am on saturday to 3:15pm on Sunday, I was with Voluptas. In that time, any hug or kiss I got was snuck. We only held hands for a little bit. I felt like a fucking leper. My girlfriend wouldn't touch me. Why? Because it made Pink uncomfortable. We did not get to cuddle during the movie, as promised. The most affection I got was Sunday Morning while Voluptas was making breakfast ~she makes nommy pancakes~ and that was because Pink was asleep. I sat with her on the cot while she ate with my arm around her waist, but as soon as Pink woke up, there was just this understanding that I had to move. Voluptas and her mother were amazing, they were really nice and awesome. Pink doesn't live there, what gives her the right to make me feel so unwelcome in the house of MY girlfriend? ~Sigh~

So Youth Group Leader picked me up on Sunday from Voluptas' house for church, and he knew the instant I got into the car that something was wrong, and he wanted to know waht it was, but I couldn't tell him because it just so happens that Pink goes to the same church and was in the car. So I couldn't tell YGL. I talked to him before the service started, instead. He said it is in the Bible that if you have a grievance with someone, you have to talk to them first. So I tried to talk to her, and she basically denied all charges. So I talked to Voluptas, cause that is what YGL suggested, and she got pissed. She said she felt the same way, but she was just going to let it pass until I brought it up. She got really pissed last night. I asked her waht she was going to do, she said she was going to write Pink a note and give it to her today.

She didn't do that.

I asked her why, and she said she has decided to talk to Pink in person. I think that is a bad idea. When she talks in person, Voluptas usually forgets part of waht she had to say, and she is way too submissive. If she writes it down, she can make sure everything is there, and she can't back down. But she doesn't think a note will get the tone of waht she is saying. Still, I think this is a bad idea. I read Voluptas' cards ~tarot cards~ this morning, but she was skeptic and I don't think she really took any of it to heart. She said she already knew everything the cards told her. ~Sigh~. I just want to get this confrontation out of the way. Instead, Voluptas is pretending to be friendly with Pink. Ok, if she is going to talk in person, I want to know WHEN. I hate all of this. Pink is a very selfish person, and it pisses me off.

This is getting long, but I do have more to say. Thank you for still reading lol.

Last night, as I said, I talked to YGL about all of this. After that, I felt like I was going to cry. So I went in, and Midget said she needed some air, so I offered to go with her. Midget and I used to be close, but lately we have been fighting, or not talking at all, because I disagreed with one of her decisions. It's a huge thing that takes getting used to. But we started talking and walking. We ended up going to Rite Aid ~It was freezing outside, and the Rite Aid is right by the church~ and just doing laps around the inside perimeter of the Rite Aid. One of the salespeople asks if he can help us find anything, and we said we actually didn't have any money. He asked if he had to worry about us robbing him. He was a cool guy :P He asked if Midget and I were dating cause we held hands. Tis fun messing with people. ANYWAY, the bottom line is that Midget and I talked about EVERYTHING~ her issues, my issues, and OUR issues. We basically solved everything that was going on between us. I think it's good that we talked, and we both needed it, and we both needed each other.

God works miracle <3

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